Nuverse - Privacy Policy
Last Updated: May 5, 2023
Who We Are
We are Nuverse. Nuverse is a game development and publishing company for players and developers around the world. We created Nuverse because we are passionate about serving gamers worldwide by offering top-tier games, building a global Nuverse community, and providing fun and inspiring experiences for every gamer in the Nuverse community.
Our games are provided, operated and controlled by Nuverse (Hong Kong) Limited, whose registered address is at Unit 1003, 10/F., Tower 2, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. (“Nuverse”, “we”, “us” or “our”).
About Our Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. We care about helping you understand how we collect, use, and protect personal information that you share with us while playing our games or using our websites, products and services, collectively known as the Services.
How We Collect and Use Your Information
We collect and use personal information when you use our Services. We collect this information whenever you use our services, logged in or not, depending on the specific interaction. This data may include:

We only collect and use your Global Positioning System (GPS) data when you give us the appropriate authorization based on the explicit settings of the platforms where our Service are delivered. Some of the above personal information may be collected whenever you are using the Services, irrespective of your account login or registration status.
We, our vendors and service providers may use cookies and/or other similar technologies (e.g. pixels, web beacons etc.) (collectively, “Cookies”) to enhance your experience using the Services. We will obtain your consent to our use of Cookies where required by law. We use cookies for the following purposes:

You can control cookies in various ways, including using web browser controls to reject or delete cookies, controls on your mobile device to limit tracking, or using advertising opt-out tools offered by our advertising partners.
Data Retention and Deletion
We retain personal data for as long as we reasonably need to comply with our contractual relationship with you and the respective legal obligations.
Where we do not need your information in order to provide the service to you, we retain it only for so long as we have a legitimate business purpose in keeping such data, if allowed by the applicable laws. However, there are occasions where we are likely to keep this data for longer in accordance with our legal obligations or where it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
In some cases, we may aggregate or anonymize your personal information and use it in a way that is designed to be unable to identify you, for research or other purposes, to the extent allowed by the applicable laws.
How We Protect Your Personal Information
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use technologies and procedures designed to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. For example, we store your personal information on servers located in facilities with limited access and employ a variety of security techniques designed to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to our systems.
We will, from time to time, include links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. We do not undertake any responsibility for any use of your personal information by such third parties.
Your Data Privacy Rights
You may have a right to know how we collect and use your personal information. You may also have a right to access, change, oppose, request a copy of your authorization, file complaints before the competent authorities, withdraw consent or limit our collection and use of your personal information as well as to request that we delete it, and potentially others, depending on the jurisdictions where you are located. In certain circumstances, you can ask us to provide additional information about our collection and use of your personal information. Please note that your exercise of certain rights may impact your ability to use some or all of of Nuverse's features and functionalities.

Please contact us via the details provided in the Contact Us section if you would like to exercise any of your rights. We will respond to your request consistent with applicable law and subject to proper verification.
Children and Parents
Children under 13 or children under the relevant age threshold in the jurisdiction where you are located are not allowed to use our Services. We do not knowingly collect or store personal information from them. However, we may collect technical information required for delivering the Services and for the support of our internal operations from all users of our games. If you believe that we have unintentionally collected children’s personal information, you may contact us via the details provided in the Contact Us section below.
Also, you may review our parental consent section in the Terms of Service if you are outside of the US, when applicable.
Sharing of Information
We’ll share personal information with the proper authorization or as necessary to complete your transactions or provide the Services you have requested or authorized. For example, if you choose to log in to our Services using a social network account, or share information from our Services to a social media service, we will share that information with those platforms.
We also share personal information if necessary for safety, security, or compliance with law. For example, we may be required to provide information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties when we receive a subpoena or court order.
We may also share personal information with other members, subsidiaries, or affiliates of our corporate group when necessary to carry out lawful operational and business purposes including securing our Services and systems and preventing illegal use; maintaining, improving and optimizing the Services, marketing, and supporting users.
We may also share personal information with vendors, contractors, or other service providers engaged by us to support our operations. Our service providers may only have access to your personal information for purposes of performing their functions for us and are not permitted to disclose or use your data for any purpose other than providing services to us, except if we obtain the proper authorization for such share as required by applicable laws.
We also may disclose personal information as part of a corporate transaction, such as a sale of our assets, merger, consolidation, or asset sale.
Advertising, Analytics and Research
We partner with third parties to either display advertising on our website/app or to manage our advertising on other sites, when permitted. Our third-party partners may use technologies such as cookies to gather information about your activities on our website and other sites in order to provide you advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests.
We also collect aggregated analytical data which help us understand how the Nuverse community engages with our content and allows us to perform analytical research regarding customer behaviors in order to improve our Services, but we do not track personal information about you as an individual.
The above purposes are not strictly necessary for us to provide the Services but allows us to provide you with a more personalized and rewarding experience. We offer you the possibility to take decisions regarding how we use and disclose your personal data. You can always limit the secondary purposes of personalized advertising by using the tools in Settings that allow you to limit certain functions.
We use both human and automated means to process your information.

International data transfers
International data transfers are necessary for us to provide our Services. For the purpose of performance of our contract with you, the personal information that we collect from you may be transferred to, stored at, accessed from or processed in a destination outside of your jurisdiction of residence, including Singapore and the United States of America. We will take reasonable and necessary steps designed to ensure that we handle personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When required, we provide a standard of protection that is comparable with the protection under the laws of your jurisdiction, regardless of where your personal information is transferred to or accessed from.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Any changes we make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail or within the Services. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.
Contact Us
Please contact us at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our privacy policy or practices.

Supplemental Terms – Jurisdiction-Specific
If you are using the Services in the following jurisdictions, the respective jurisdiction-specific terms below would apply. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Supplemental Terms –Jurisdiction-Specific that are relevant to your jurisdiction from which you access or use the Services, and the rest of this Privacy Policy, the relevant jurisdictions’ Supplemental Terms – Jurisdiction-Specific will supersede and control.

The following applies if you are based in the European Economic Area, Switzerland or the United Kingdom (the “European Region).
International transfer. Where we transfer or provide access to your personal information to recipients located outside the European Region, we use standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and its counterparts, or other alternative mechanisms which are permitted under applicable law. When we transfer your personal information on the basis of standard contractual clauses, we conduct assessments on a case-by-case basis to ensure that any transfers are compliant with applicable Law. For a copy of these standard contractual clauses standard contractual clauses, contact us at:
Your Rights. In addition to the rights set out above, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

You can also object to our processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests and we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate an overriding legitimate ground.
If you wish to raise a concern about our use of your personal data (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to do so with your local supervisory authority or our lead supervisory authority, the Irish Data Protection Commission. You can find their contact details at
Please note that these rights are limited, for example, where fulfilling your request would adversely affect other individuals or company trade secrets or intellectual property, where there are overriding public interest reasons or where we are required by law to retain your personal data.
Contact us. If you wish to talk with us about how we process your personal data, please contact us at and we will endeavor to deal with your request as soon as possible.

California Privacy Rights
CCPA Notice for California Residents
Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), California residents have the right to know what personal information about them is collected, request deletion of their personal data, opt-out of the sale of their personal data, and not be discriminated against if they choose to exercise any of these rights. This notice supplements information provided throughout this Policy. Capitalized terms used below that are not otherwise defined in this Policy have the meanings given to them in the CCPA.
Categories of Personal Information About You We Collect, Use, and Disclose:
Throughout our Policy, we discuss in detail the specific pieces of personal information we collect from and about the users of our Services. During the 12 months leading up to the effective date of this Policy, we collected all of the types of personal information described in the “How We Collect and Use Your Information” section of this Policy. Under the CCPA, we are also required to provide you with the “categories” of personal information we collect as defined by California law. Depending upon the types of services you use, the categories we collect are: identifiers (such as name, address, phone number, email address, IP address, and passwords); demographic information (such as gender); commercial information (such as records of your transactions with us); financial data (such as credit or debit card information); internet or other network or device activity (such as browsing history or a record of your use of of Services); audio or visual information; general and precise location information; user-generated content; inferences we make from other data; and other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you.
We collect the above categories of information from you, our business partners, marketers, researchers, analytics partners, social network services, and other parties. We use these categories of information to provide and manage the Services you request; to communicate with you; to analyze the use of our Services; to improve and develop our Services; to personalize your experience and customize the Services; to market our Services to you; for bug detection and error reporting; to audit consumer interactions on the Services; to protect the rights of the Services; for legal compliance; and with your consent. For more detail regarding the purposes for which we use information, please see the “How We Use Your Information” section.
Depending on the circumstances, we may share any of the above categories of information we collect with: our corporate group; service providers; business partners to provide you with services that you request and information about services and offers that we think you may be interested; other parties, including government entities, when required by law or to protect our users and services; third party integration services pursuant to that service and your settings; and with your consent or in connection with a corporate transaction. In addition, we may share commercial information and financial data, including your payment information, with payment processors. See the “How We Use Your Information“ and “Sharing of Information” sections for more information.
The CCPA also sets forth certain obligations for businesses that “Sell” personal information to third parties. Nuverse does not “Sell” any of the data we collect about you.
CCPA Consumer Privacy Rights
The CCPA also allows you to request us to:

If you’d like to exercise any of the other rights afforded to you, you may contact us via the Contacting Us section above.
Please note that you may designate an agent to make requests to exercise your rights under CCPA. We will take steps both to verify the identity of the person seeking to exercise their rights as listed above, and to verify that your agent has been authorized to make a request on your behalf through providing us with a signed written authorization or a copy of a power of attorney. We will not discriminate against you in a manner prohibited by the CCPA because of you exercising your CCPA rights.
California Minors:
If you are a California resident under 18 years of age, you may request removal of unwanted information that you post from the publicly viewable portion of the Services by contacting us directly. Upon receiving such a request, we take commercially reasonable steps designed to ensure that the information is not publicly available on our Platform. However, such information may remain our systems or databases. In certain situations, this information cannot be removed. See the “Contact Us” section above.
If you are using the Services in Brazil, the following additional terms apply. If any conflict arises between the main Privacy Policy and the additional terms, the following terms shall prevail:
Exercise of data protection rights. Brazilian law provides certain rights to individuals with regard to their personal data. Thus, we seek to ensure transparency and access controls in order to allow users to benefit from the mentioned rights.
We will respond and/or fulfill your requests for the exercise of your rights below, according to the applicable law and when applicable, to the Brazilian General Data Protection Law - LGPD:
I. confirmation of whether your data are being processed;
II. access to your data;
III. correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
IV. anonymization, blocking or erasure of data;
V. portability of personal data to a third party;
VI. object to the processing of personal data;
VII. information of public and private entities with which we shared data;
VIII. information about the possibility to refuse providing personal data and the respective consequences, when applicable;
IX. withdrawal of your consent.
X. request a review review of decisions made solely based on automated processing of personal data affecting your interests, including decisions made to define your personal, professional, consumer or credit profile, or aspects of your personality.

We encourage you to contact us if you are not satisfied with how we have responded to any of your rights requests. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

Verifying your identity: For your safety and to allow us to make sure that we do not disclose any of your personal data to unauthorized third parties, in order to verify your identity and guarantee the adequate exercise of your rights, we may request specific information and/or documents from you before we can properly respond to a request received concerning your data. All data and documents received from you in the process of responding to your requests will be used for the strict purposes of analyzing your request, authenticating your identity, and finally responding to your request.
Limitations to your rights: In certain situations, we may have legitimate reasons not to comply with some of your requests. For instance, we may choose not to disclose certain information to you when a disclosure could adversely impact our business whenever there is a risk of violation to our trade secrets or intellectual property rights. In addition, we may refrain from complying with a request for erasure when the maintenance of your data is required for complying with legal or regulatory obligations or when such maintenance is required to protect our rights and interests in case a dispute arises. Whenever this is the case and we are unable to comply with a request you make, we will let you know the reasons why we cannot fulfill your request.
Contact: In case of doubt about your privacy, your rights or how to exercise them, please contact us via the “Contact Us” section above. If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, we would like to clarify them.
DPO: If you wish to reach the Corporate Data Protection Officer, contact us at:
Access Logs. We keep your application access logs, under confidentiality, in a controlled and safe environment, for, at least, 6 months, in order to comply with legal obligations.
Language. The Policy may have been prepared in the English language and in the Portuguese language. If you are a user located in Brazil, you shall refer to the Portuguese version, which shall prevail.
Information related to children. By accessing the Services, you represent that you are over 18 years old.
International Transfers. International data transfers are necessary for us to provide our services. We share your personal data globally with companies of our business group to carry out the activities specified in this Policy. We may also subcontract the processing of data involved in the Services or share your personal data with third parties located in other country. In circumstances where we may need to transfer your personal data to third parties outside of Brazil, we will ensure that such transfers are compliant with the requirements stipulated in Article 33 of LGPD.
If you are using our services in Egypt, the following additional terms apply.

If you are using our services in Indonesia, the following additional terms apply.
Age, Parental and Guardian Consent. By accessing and/or using the Services, you represent that you are at least 21 years of age, or married, or not under guardianship. If you are below 21 years old and you are not married, or you are under guardianship:

If you do not have consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and your parent(s) or guardian(s) is not willing to open the account under their name, you must cease accessing the Services.
Your Choices. You may withdraw your consent to Nuverse's disclosure of personal data to third parties. Upon your request, we will ease to display, publish, transmit, disseminate, and/or open the access to your personal data to third parties. Please note that by withdrawing your consent to the disclosure and/or collection of your personal data, we may not be able to fulfill your requests and you may not be able to use some of Nuverse features and functionality.
Language. This Privacy Policy has been prepared in the English language and Indonesian language. In the event of any inconsistency or different interpretation between the English text and Indonesian text, the English text shall prevail and the relevant Indonesian text shall be deemed to be automatically amended to conform with and to make the relevant Indonesian text consistent with the relevant English text. You acknowledge and agree that (i) you have read this Privacy Policy and understands the content of this Privacy Policy; (ii) you enter into this Privacy Policy freely and without duress, and (iii) you will not use the provisions under Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24 of 2009 on Flag, Language, State Emblem and National Anthem or any of its implementing regulations to invalidate this Privacy Policy.
If you are using our services in Philippines, the following additional terms apply.
Your Rights. To the extent that the relevant laws, rules and regulations on data privacy recognize your rights and freedoms as data subjects, you shall have the right to information, object, access, rectification, erasure or blocking, lodge complaints before the NPC, damages and data portability. Before we can respond to a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you may be required to verify your identity or your account details.
If you are using our services in Russia, the following additional terms apply.
What are legal grounds for data processing. When we process your personal data, we rely on your consent, performance of a contract, our legitimate interest and obligations to process personal data, when we so required by law.
Public profiles. We rely on your consent to public distribution of personal data, when your account settings are 'Public Profile'. You can change your profile to private by changing your settings to 'Private Account' in “Manage my account” settings.
South Africa
If you are using our services in South Africa, the following additional terms apply.
You declare that you are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, please have your parent or legal guardian read this with you. If you are reviewing these terms as the parent/legal guardian of a user who is under the age of 18, you hereby declare that such user is above the age of 13 and that you have read and acknowledged the Nuverse Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and agree to the use by your child of the Services and registration for an account.
If you are using our services in Korea, the following additional terms apply.

If you are using our services in Turkey, the following additional terms apply.
Legal bases for the processing your personal data. Nuverse relies on the following legal bases while processing your personal data in accordance with Article 5 of the Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data:

United Arab Emirates
If you are using our services in the UAE, the following additional terms apply.
Governing law and dispute resolution
By using our Services in the UAE, this Privacy Policy will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the UAE. In the event of a dispute arising between the parties in connection with this Privacy Policy:

If you are using our services in Vietnam, the following additional terms apply.
Age, Parental and Guardian Consent. By accessing and/or using these Services, you represent that you are at least 16 years of age or not under guardianship. If you are below 16 years old or under guardianship:

If you do not have consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is not willing to open the account under their name, you must cease accessing the Services.
Language. This policy have been prepared in the English language and Vietnamese. In the event of any inconsistency or different interpretation between the English text and Vietnamese text, the English text shall prevail and the relevant Vietnamese text shall be deemed to be automatically amended to conform with and to make the relevant Vietnamese text consistent with the relevant English text.
Language. This policy have been prepared in the English language and Thai language. In the event of any inconsistency or different interpretation between the English text and Thai text, the English text shall prevail and the relevant Thai text shall be deemed to be automatically amended to conform with and to make the relevant Thai text consistent with the relevant English text.
If you are using our services in India, the following additional terms apply.
Grievance Officer For India
In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules framed thereunder, a Grievance Officer has been appointed and a complaint or other issue faced by a user of Ourour platform or other issue faced may be submitted through email at the below address.
The complaint should provide:

In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules framed there under, the contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:
Anuj Bhatia